Adding A Little Vacation: Refueling Your Creativity


Nothing fuels creativity better than getting away and relaxing for a few days. We spent last weekend at Lake Burton in north Georgia. I may be a little biased, but I consider it one of the most beautiful places in the world. It was so refreshing to get away from our usual scenery and take time to enjoy our surroundings and the company we were with.

I love waking up and going down to the dock where I can just sit and stare out at the water. The lake is like glass, there is usually a little mist rising, and the ducks have the lake to themselves. Sitting there looking out over God's creation, my mind and creativity just start pumping. Before I know it, I'm jotting down all sorts of ideas. You should see my notebook!

However, this is no new concept. "Taking a break to observe new surroundings" is widely proven to be effective for increasing creativity. Google "how to fuel your creativity" and you will find all sorts of posts about this very topic.
"Give yourself a break. Being able to write down creative ideas whenever you get them is a great start to fueling your creativity, but - if you’re like me - that isn’t going to be enough. In order to fuel your creativity you need to take time to relax and find creativity in everyday life. If you feel overwhelmed or stressed, your creative juices will be running slowly; but if you feel relaxed and comfortable, your mind will be more open to new, creative ideas."

Another writer talks about observing:
"Observe.  Life happens. Everyday. It seems obvious, but we walk around most days oblivious. Take a moment and just watch. I bet you see something that you could write about, that your audience would love to hear. One of my most popular posts came from noticing a partially-eaten donut in the lounge at work. Somehow, I made a connection to it, and my readers loved it." 

 This writer explains what happens when you take a break:
Do Something else

• As the old saying goes, “A watched pot never boils,” so stop waiting for inspiration to strike.

• Your brain is a marvelous multi-tasking machine, so go do something else. Ideally, you should pick something monotonous like mowing the lawn or washing the dishes.

• Once your mind starts to wander, you’ll be surprised how quickly it will start generating ideas.

• The trick is to record them as soon as they pop up, so you don’t forget them. 

So in summary, if you're having trouble being creative or coming up with new ideas and solutions, it is  time to take a break! Go on a walk, sit outside somewhere, take time to observe. You may not be able to go on a vacation at the moment, but you can still change up your scenery and relax. It may seem at the moment you're wasting time, but trust will be worth it when you're brain is overflowing with new ideas! (Now I'm off to start on some of those new ideas.)

All photos and typography by Texture Design Co.

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