Lifeline Live Event: Silent Auction


If you're not doing anything this Thursday evening (October 2nd), you should join Martin and I for this exciting event at Alhambra Hall in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina. 

Enjoy an evening with live music, silent auction, food, and fun with friends! Come prepared to hear incredible stories of what the Lord is doing through adoption, orphan care, and family support in our local community and around the world through Lifeline Children’s Services.

Renowned Author, Rick Morton, will be giving the keynote address, and the Marc Collins band will be playing live music throughout the evening! Dish and Design is proving incredible desserts. You definitely want to be there!

Tickets are $15 and can be purchased online or at the door.

To read more about Lifeline, click here to visit their site.

You may be wondering how we got involved with this organization. A good friend of mine works for Lifeline Children's Services here in Mt Pleasant, South Carolina. Over the summer, she was telling me about their silent auction event they were having this fall. Because events and decor are something I enjoy, I told her I'd love to help her with the event. To be honest, I didn't know too much about Lifeline at the time. So Martin and I met with the organization and learned more about they do. The more we talked to their team in South Carolina, the more excited we got! Their heart and desire to help children that are without families is so encouraging. They have a passion to disciple and walk families through the adoption and foster care process, which can often be full of unexpected struggles and joy. Their mission reads:
Lifeline Children’s Services exists to provide a hope and a future through the Gospel for children around the world by discipling, engaging and equipping people towards adoption, foster care, and orphan care. Lifeline exists because of what Christ accomplished on the cross. Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection made a way for those who would trust in Him as Savior and Lord to have everlasting Hope. He died so that we might live, as children of God. The reason our staff comes to work each day is for the Gospel of Christ to be made known in all nations.
We acknowledge that it’s not America, a nice home, a great education, three meals a day, adoption or even a family that is the hope for children. Christ is the hope and the future in our mission. It is by Him, to Him, and through Him we are able to accomplish the work set before us. We are grateful for the opportunity to love and serve birthmothers who are often in despair, children who cry out for the love of a family, and men and women who long for a child.
They have also started a ministry called (Un)Adopted for children around the world who are not adopted and "age-out" of the system.
“Graduates” are usually released from the institutions around age 16 to make it on their own without the basic tools for survival or training of any kind. Most cannot make themselves a meal, much less a dignified living. In reality, most of the unadopted become trapped in a lifestyle of exploitation and disgraceful servitude. By no fault of their own, these teens soon find themselves subject to a life they could never have imagined – a life in which they are completely unprepared to make it alone.
(Un)adopted exists to make a difference. As a ministry of Lifeline Children’s Services, we are uniquely positioned to initiate effective change. Lifeline has been involved with international adoption since 1999, and was among the first agencies to receive Hague Accreditation. Having led many families through the process of adoption, Lifeline’s leadership became burdened with the circumstances of those children who have been left behind. 
You can read more about how the (Un)adopted ministry helps bring hope to these children at 

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As you can see, Lifeline has a lot going on! We would love for you to join us on Thursday to learn more!

Emily & Martin

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